Articles tagged Human Rights

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Friends and family of imprisoned pro-lifers react to this week’s sentences in DC

Seven of the “D.C. Nine” jailed pro-lifers were sentenced on May 14 and 15 to additional prison time for their roles in a traditional rescue at a late-term abortion center. LifeSiteNews journalist Louis Knuffke, who has been extensively covering the trial and sentencing of these pro-life heroes, interviews friends and family of some of those sentenced. Despite their relief that the sentences were not as harsh as anticipated, they resolutely opposed the injustice of trying and convicting those who defend the most vulnerable in our society from certain death. READ MORE: Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on […]
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BREAKING | Biden DOJ accused of brutal treatment of jailed pro-lifer — prolonged solitary, shackles

Jailed pro-lifer Heather Idoni says she has been kept in solitary confinement for 22 days, with the lights of her cell kept on 24 hours a day. Idoni has been jailed since last fall for attempting to save unborn babies by blocking access to abortion centers. In an exclusive interview, she said that she was put in solitary confinement by guards for sharing food with fellow prisoners. Read more here: HELP US FIGHT THE LIES OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND SPREAD THE TRUTH AROUND THE WORLD: SHOP YOUR FAVORITE PRECIOUS METALS WITH LIFESITENEWS: SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND […]
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The evil of Mao Zedong: deceit, revenge, and slaughter

Communist China’s Mao Zedong was one of the cruelest men in history, purposefully denying medical attention to a cancer patient, infecting countless young women with diseases, and more. Communist expert Steven Mosher reveals just how evil Mao Zedong was to his own Chinese countrymen, showing the inhuman cruelty that marks the rise of our world’s most powerful communist state. Watch the full interview with Mosher now, revealing how millions have died under the hand of communism, and millions more are currently suffering. The pro-life and pro-family movement must stand entirely against communism — even as pro-communist supporters make their way […]
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The devil’s plan for godlessness: Communist China

The world’s greatest threat to the pro-life movement, freedom of religion, and world stability is entirely man-made: the scourge of communism. Communism is founded on hate, which requires a constant fuel of hatred to sustain itself. Steven Mosher recounts the encounters that come from his horrifying research — coming face to face with “absolute evil” — watching perfectly healthy children be murdered in China, only for violating the communist one-child policy. Mosher minces no words: Communism is Satan’s diabolical plan to establish godlessness and destroy humanity. Where God creates life, the Devil destroys. In our age, the Devil uses communism […]